Debt Collection in France

Debt Collection in France

We operate in a global economy these days and an increasing number of UK companies are doing business in overseas markets, most notably in France. This also means that it is increasingly likely when chasing a debt that you may be dealing with a debtor who is based or has moved to France.

This poses certain problems as the French legal system has a number of complexities and curiosities of its own, which can be difficult to negotiate.

One of the key principles of debt in France is that debtors are well protected. As a result, debt collection is not always easy. As a minimum, any creditor must ensure that they have all of the required paperwork in order and should ensure that the general terms and conditions associated with any debt, including details of costs and interest, are signed.

Pitfalls to Avoid in French Debt Collection

It is important never to assume that every part of France will have the same rules or procedures when it comes to debt collection. France is a large nation with many distinct regions, each of which has its own customs and local rules.

Don’t assume that a court case will lead to a faster solution than an out-of-court settlement. The cost of an amicable debt settlement will always be lower, and there is no guarantee that court action will resolve situations more quickly, given the high number of cases in the French courts. In many cases, direct interaction with the debtor will bring a favourable result.

You should also bear in mind that despite its close proximity to the UK, the administrative, contractual and legal processes in France are very different. The jurisdiction of England & Wales places far less emphasis on having the correct paperwork when issuing proceedings and timeframes can also vary considerably.

Let us Handle your French Debt Recovery

The language barrier, along with the variety of foreign customs and laws can make recovering debt in France, where you can issue proceedings in 3 different ways, seem impossible. But the process is much easier when you employ a debt recovery agency that is experienced in the rules that apply in the debtor’s country.

Our French debt recovery service is run by experts who have an in-depth knowledge of the rules and regulations that apply in that country and we have a track record of international debt collection.

Since 2009, we have operated as a trustworthy, reputable and successful debt collection agency, helping clients to collect international debts from a variety of jurisdictions, including France.

And, as a modern debt recovery agency, we put people at the heart of our work. We combine the latest in technological solutions with a relationship-focused approach to help you to recover your debt while maintaining your business connections and your reputation. So if you are trying to recover a French debt get in touch with us today and find out how we can help.


CLI is a Debt Recovery Agency established in Kent and specialising in debt recovery, international debt collection and international Letter Before Action.