

Credit Services Association

Credit Limits International Ltd is a full member of the CSA (membership number 751). CSA is the only professional body for Debt Collection Agencies in the UK. We strictly adhere to their Code of Conduct.

In 2013, Credit Limits International Ltd won the Credit Services Association Award for Outstanding Small Businesses. This award is unique. It was only given in 2013 after which the CSA discontinued this category.

INFO Magazine described the award as “Recognising the vital role that small members play In the Debt Collection Industry, taking care to deliver quality services, and often providing specialist services tailored to the individual needs of their clients.”

Chartered Institute of Credit Management

Several members of the CLI team are members of the CICM.

Pierre Haincourt, CLI’s Managing Director, served in the Committee of the Kent Branch of the CICM between 2009 and 2019.

export champion

Export Champion

CLI is thrilled to have been appointed an Export Champion by the Department of Business & Trade  (DIT). Our organisation is now part of a network of over 400 UK exporters who are proud to be selling internationally and contributing to the growth of the UK economy. In the past 12 months, we exported to 37 countries (AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, BRAZIL, BULGARIA, CANADA, CROATIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, DENMARK, EGYPT, ESTONIA, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, HONG KONG, ICELAND, IRELAND, ISRAEL, ITALY, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, LUXEMBOURG, MALTA, MAURITIUS, NETHERLANDS, NORWAY, POLAND, PORTUGAL, SLOVAKIA, SLOVENIA, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, TURKEY, USA, VIETNAM) and we have been building opportunities for future export contracts in BAHRAIN, CAMEROON, CHINA, CYPRUS, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, GHANA, HUNGARY, INDIA, IVORY COAST, JORDAN, KENYA, KUWAIT, MACAO, MOROCCO, NEW ZEALAND, NIGERIA, OMAN, ROMANIA, SAUDI ARABIA, SOUTH KOREA, TANZANIA, UAE, UKRAINE, ZIMBABWE, We look forward to sharing our experiences with many UK Exporting Companies in 2022. Let’s get exporting www.great.gov.uk

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials

CLI is Cyber Essentials accredited – Cyber Essentials is an effective, Government backed scheme designed to protect organisations from cyber attacks in line with GDPR compliance standards. For more information, please visit Cyber Essentials Certificate search – NCSC.GOV.UK

To access full details on our company certification, please click CLI Cyber Essentials Certification

Total Credit Management Group

Credit Limits International Ltd is the sole UK Shareholder of TCM Group. TCM Group is a worldwide debt collection network which includes 167 offices in 145 countries. This unique global alliance of local debt collection agencies is your one-stop-shop for effective and compliant cross-border debt collection services.

Federation of European National Collection Associations

Credit Limits International is an affiliate member of FENCA, the umbrella organisation for National Associations of Collection Agencies in Europe.

Pierre Haincourt, CLI’s Managing Director, served as a Director on the Board of FENCA in 2006/7 and wrote the current European Code of Practice for the Debt Collection Industry.

Kent Invicta Chambre of Commerce

Credit Limits International Ltd is a leading Kent based Debt Collection Agency. One of our main local concerns is to promote good payment practices throughout the Kentish business community.

We give a number of free talks and release regular information about best payment practices and assist Kent businesses to get paid promptly.

French Chambre of Great Britain

Credit Limits International is an active member of the CCFGB. Our relationship with the French Chamber of Commerce dates back to 1993.

Business Insurance

Credit Limits International Ltd works with the largest independent and most trusted Insurance Broker in the industry, Howdens Insurance. Our insurance covers include Employer’s Public & Private liability, Professional Indemnity and Cyber insurance.

Fair Payment Code

Credit Limits International Ltd is a proud signatory of Fair Payment Code . Our commitment to tackling late payment needs to go beyond helping creditors get paid on time; we want to lead the way by paying our suppliers within their payment terms. In everything we do, we will continue to strive to promote a culture change in payment practices, which in turn will strengthen our economy.


Credit Limits International Ltd has banking relationships with NatWest Bank and Barclays Bank. Our Barclays account is solely dedicated to the receipt of funds from third parties which are then remitted to clients. The purpose of having this account is  to separate clients’ funds from our own.

Information Commissioner's Office

Credit Limits International Ltd is registered as a Data Handler and a Data Processor under the Data Protection Act 1998: registration number Z1714761.

Companies House

Credit limits International is registered in England & Wales under number 06854365. It was formed in March 2009 to taken over the Debt Collection activities of Credit Limits Ltd (Est. 1987).

FSQS Certified

CLI are FSQS certified

When choosing a debt collection service provider, creditors need to be exceedingly careful as to whom they partner with.

The FSQS certification saves creditors a lot of time when validating your debt collection service provider. The laborious gathering of the necessary compliance information and endless red tape is taken care of by Hellios.com  

FSQS is a benchmark that many creditors use when vetting potential suppliers they wish to work with.

The system provides a cohesive, collaborative platform for managing supplier compliance assurance information. It cuts through paperwork and intensive due diligence efforts, and is kept up-to-date at all times.

In a nutshell, the FSQS certification means that creditors can be reassured that their service providers have already been through a reliable third party compliance assessment.

Why Choose Us

30 Years experience delivering successful debt collection solutions to businesses

Years Experience

Business Clients

recovered /YEAR


under management

Do you need help getting paid?

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If you are looking for a free quotation, for a one-off overdue account, a small or large batch of accounts, or an ongoing solution to manage your cashflow, please fill out this form.

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