Debt Collection Agency
Credit Limits International
Credit Limits International Ltd was formed on 20th March 2009 as a vehicle to split the activities of Credit Limits Ltd (Est. 1987) into two distinct legal entities.
For over 30 years, our Debt Collection Agency has placed quality of service at the forefront of our business model.
Initially, Credit Limits was best-known for acting on behalf of London based firms of insolvency practitioners. In the early 90s, this led to an exclusive government contract with the Insolvency Service to collect all the book debts due to companies in liquidation and bankrupt individuals, and to monitor all income payment orders in England and Wales. At the same time, due to the combined effects of the recession and the weakening of the Pound, there was a wave of failure of exporting SMEs and in 1992, Credit Limits started to offer International Debt Collection services. Credit Limits grew internationally quite rapidly and attracted new clients, such as UK exporting companies, as well as international clients from Europe and beyond, from all sizes and across all industry sectors.
Today, Credit Limits International is an award-winning Debt Collection Agency highly specialised in international work & European matters. As the shareholder of the TCM Group for the UK, we offer a unique and award-winning cross-border debt collection service, worldwide.
Our Mission Statement
We strive to generate outstanding results through professional & ethical cross-border debt collection strategies whilst delivering a quality added value debt collection service to our clients.
Why Choose Us
30 Years experience delivering successful debt collection solutions to businesses
Years Experience
Business Clients
recovered /YEAR
under management
Adding Value to Your Business
Our Vision & Values
This is why our debt recovery services are always offered on a no collection no fee basis.
We add interest, compensation and collection costs on all commercial debts placed with us for collection in line with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013. When full recovery is achieved from the debtor, the additional sums recovered go a long way towards compensating for our fees.
Our outsourced Credit Control Solutions are designed to fit in with our clients’ Credit Management Policies and each project is packaged individually.
Our tracing services are offered on a no find no fee basis.
No costs are incurred unless specifically agreed with our client beforehand.
In case of legal action, competitive legal fees are recharged at cost and a provision is required in advance, which is based on a fair estimate of the legal costs.
Our focus is on effective recovery, accurate and regular reporting, and clear advice on debt recovery strategies, worldwide.
Our secret is that we are passionate about debt collection and we have a 6th sense about debts!






Hard Work




Do you need help getting paid?
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If you are looking for a free quotation, for a one-off overdue account, a small or large batch of accounts, or an ongoing solution to manage your cashflow, please fill out this form.
Are you looking to recover your debt?
Get a Free Quotation
If you are looking for a free quotation, fast and effective collection on an overdue account, or a durable solution to manage UK or international claims, please fill out our debt collection form.