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Our Wine
Credit Limits International Ltd has acquired shares in New Hall Vineyard. Our shareholding generates a yearly wine allocation which we use to sponsor local charitable events, to host team building exercises or simply to send a bottle to a client or a collection partner as a small present for Christmas.
New Hall Vineyard is an English Wine Producer with over 65 hectares of vines. It is one of the oldest and largest in the Country (Est. 1969 by the Greenwood family in the Essex village of Purleigh). The grape vines grown at New Hall were carefully selected and have been planted only 12m to 24m above sea level, on well-sheltered, southern facing slopes of a shallow valley, which over the years has proven itself to be an ideal place, for the growing of vines in England. Producing, above average crops of high-quality grapes with naturally high sugars, New Hall no produces a range of Award-Winning wines, including English Sparkling Brut which any Champagne lover should try.
More information on New Hall Wines here

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